Bear With Me!!!!

Believe it or not, the book I'm currently reading, "Julie and Julia" has inspired me to create my very first blog. I may not be recreating the entire "Mastering the Art of French Cooking", but I may find SOMETHING to recreate and master - and bring you along for the ride.

I scrapbook. I paint. I cook. I do all these things well. However, I don't clean well. I own a scrapbook store in a small rural Illinois town. I have a grown family and a sensational 11 month old granddaughter. I am comfortable, most of the time, in my own skin. I love to create. I am a control freak when it comes to planning anything - other than a day of cleaning.

My husband is extraordinary - as are my daughters and their spouses. They are my support system. They give me that shot of self confidence when mine is waning. They also deflate my ego when I get too cocky. They are my life blood. Without them, the "me" I know wouldn't exist.

With this blog, I hope to show you some of my creations - whether it's the beautiful family that God has entrusted me with or a fabulous recipe I've prepared. Maybe you'll find posted a painted piece to make you smile or a scrapbook page you'll just have to make for your own. Regardless, this is all about "The Everyday and The Extraordinary".


One of THOSE days....

I had to take our wonderful kitty, Melvin, to the vet this morning.

Mella has a problem with polyps growing in his ears. We've had several removed over the past few years but after this last one, he just didn't really bounce back like he has in the past. Of course, he's about 15 now, too, so that needs to be taken into consideration. But, what concerns us is that this polyp has grown back after less than 2 months.

There is a surgery that can be done to go in and scrape his inner ear canal and remove the endings of where the polyp begins, but it's a pretty major surgery and quite expensive. AND, there is no guarantee that the polyp won't grow back again. We're concerned with Mel's general health - will he make it through the surgery? Will he not bounce back? Will he be fine? Will the polyp grow back and he have to endure yet another surgery?

A lot of people don't understand the love we have of our pets. They are members of our family. We just can't toss them aside like some do. Euthanizing Melvin is definitely out of the question - something Dan and I both agreed on. He's a healthy guy, other than these stupid polyps - just old.

Besides, we have about $1,000,000 invested in this guy.

About 6 years ago, one of our "old school" stereo speakers fell on him in the middle of the night and caused a compound fracture of his back left leg. After an emergency room treatment (this happened in the middle of the night on a Sunday in January) in Bettendorf, IA, a regular vet visit the next day (this was the worst excuse for a vet ever), an appointment at Kimberly Crest Vet Clinic in Davenport, IA with Dr. Less, 2 surgeries and $3500 later, Mel ended up having his leg amputated. Dr. Less tried his utmost to save the leg, but it just wasn't in the cards. I know - a lot of you probably gasped at the $3500 price tag, but like I said, Mel is special. He is one of us. We just couldn't put him down.

A few years ago, I broke my wrist from a fall on a small patch of black ice. I suffer from claustrophobia and the cast was really causing me problems with panic attacks from the claustrophobia. Mel knew. He'd come and snuggle with me to take some of the tension away. He would purr while he curled up on my shoulder while I was trying to sleep at night. He hardly left my side the entire time I was in my cast. How can you let a living being who is so caring like that get put down?

He's a cool cat. He splashes water from the water bowl all over the floor when he gets drinks. He NEVER has gotten on the counter tops. He's never had an accident on the floor - EVER. He's not a garbage picker. He drools. A lot. But that is because he's content. He's handsome. He's our tri-pod kitty. He's also deaf because of the polyps. But he's one of the best pets a person could ever ask for.

And he was a stray on top of it.

He found us.

We're the lucky ones.


I really should be asleep.....

Things have changed since I first had the desire to create a blog to share my life with you.

Our wonderful little scrapbook store has had to close it's doors. It was a rough, heart wrenching decision, but one that was made from necessity, not of being tired of it. Truth of the matter is, our customers disappeared. Not all of them of course, but enough that our sales were down so that we couldn't keep up the new products that keep coming out. Unfortunately, scrapbooking is an expensive hobby, but it IS a hobby that can be eliminated when you have to feed, clothe and house a family. So, after months and months of haggling with myself over what to do, long before I discussed my thoughts on closing our doors with my husband, and after losing a LOT of hair, I knew in my heart what had to be done. Dan and I decided, with very heavy hearts, to close. The Scrappin' Shack's heart stopped beating on May 15, 2010.

I, personally, reached the decision that I was "okay" to close not long after we made the decision. Dan, however, on the other hand, is still struggling with it. I know that we made the right decision - at the right time. Our display pieces, paper racks, cropping tables and chairs, counters and more ALL sold! And, sold right away. Our inventory (from a 3600 square foot building) has been eliminated into 5 smallish boxes. (I only wish that the "stuff" I've accumulated over the past 4 years fit in only 5 boxes!)

We did the right thing.

Being "just" a housewife again is a thrill. Granted, there is a LOT of organizing, disposing, rearranging and CLEANING to be done, but it's being done on MY time now. Not the one day a week that I had off before. I can go to lunch with friends and not have to be somewhere by noon. I can go to Iowa City or Bettendorf, IA or even Stillwater, MN to visit my daughters, granddaughter or sister now - and not have to worry about who can or will watch the store. Shoot, I can go anywhere I want now! I GOT GROCERIES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY ON A WEEK DAY - and smiled the entire time. No more cooking dinner in the morning and having leftovers for dinner, because I wasn't home early enough to cook dinner at a normal dinner-time before my Daniel had to leave for work. The cooking skills I'd acquired before are rusty, but they will be back, and along with them, delicious meals for my wonderful husband! You know, even doing laundry isn't a pain in the wazoo any more!

There are hours & hours of work to be done. And it will all be put away, housed where it belongs, floors scrubbed and sparkling, overdue visits with friends made, spontaneous road trips taken, picnics and long summer walks will be had, concerts to attend, fairs to enjoy, scrapbooks of my wonderful life created, rooms painted and redecorated, and just ENJOYING life. And I will really and truly cherish every moment it takes to accomplish all of that. It won't all be done in the few months of summer we have - because I intend to enjoy the summer of 2010 and life in general. It's too short. (Life, not summer. Although, summer could last longer actually) There may not be flowers in the front flower beds this summer again. The little garden may be overgrown with weeds and no veggies for this summer...but next year our front flower beds will be alight with bright colors and cheerful yard adornments. Salsa will be made from the veggies and herbs grown in our little garden. I'll be another year older, but my heart will be a little younger.

We did the right thing.